Resumen / Summary:
Muhammad Ali, nacido Cassius Marcellus Clay, fue uno de los deportistas más influyentes del siglo XX, el mejor boxeador de la historia y el primero en ganar tres veces el título de los pesos pesados. Activista político e ídolo de masas, su figura trascendió el mundo del boxeo al convertirse al islam, reivindicar los derechos de la comunidad negra y negarse a combatir en la guerra de Vietnam.
Meet Muhammad Ali, "the greatest" boxer of all time.
When he was little, Muhammad Ali had his bicycle stolen. He wanted to fight the thief, but a policeman told him him to learn how to box first. After training hard in the gym, Muhammad developed a strong jab and an even stronger work ethic. His smart thinking and talking earned him the greatest title in boxing: Heavyweight Champion of the World. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of "The Greatest's" life.
Autor / Author: María Isabel Sánchez Vegara
Ilustrador / Illustrator: Brosmind
Tipo / Type: Información / Non-Fiction
Encuadernación / Binding: Tapa Dura, 32 páginas / Hardcover, 32 pages
Dimensiones / Dimensions: 0.4" H x 9.6" L x 7.7" W pulgadas / inches
Edad / Age: 4-7 años / years
Temas / Themes: Muhammad Ali, boxeadores afroamericanos, atleta, activista, derechos civiles, historia, biografía, informativo / Muhammad Ali, African-American boxers, athlete, activist, civil rights, history, biography, non-fiction
Idioma / Language: Español / Spanish