Resumen / Summary:
Greta Thunberg (Estocolmo, 2003), es una activista medioambiental sueca que ha conseguido poner en pie a los jóvenes de todo el planeta para exigir a los gobiernos medidas enérgicas contra el cambio climático. Ha sido nominada para diferentes premios y la revista Time la posicionó en la lista de las 25 adolescentes más influyentes del mundo. El 8 de marzo de 2019 los tabloides suecos Aftonbladet y Expresen la nominaron “Mujer del Año” en Suecia.
Meet Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist.
When young Greta learned of the climate crisis, she stopped talking. She couldn't understand why people in power were not doing anything to save our Earth. One day she started protesting outside the Swedish Parliament, creating the "School Strike for Climate." Soon, lots more young people joined her in a global movement that shook adults and politicians alike. She had found her voice and uses it to inspire humans to action with her powerful message: "No one is too small to make a difference." This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the climate activist's life.
Autor / Author: María Isabel Sánchez Vegara
Ilustrador / Illustrator: Anke Weckmann
Tipo / Type: Información / Non-Fiction
Encuadernación / Binding: Tapa Dura, 32 páginas / Hardcover, 32 pages
Dimensiones / Dimensions: 0.4" H x 9.6" L x 7.7" W pulgadas / inches
Edad / Age: 4-7 años / years
Temas / Themes: Greta Thunberg, activista social, protección ambiental, cambios climáticos, niños ambientalistas, Suecia, biografía, informativo / Greta Thunberg, social activist, environmental protection, climatic changes, child environmentalists, Sweden, biography, non-fiction
Idioma / Language: Español / Spanish