Resumen / Summary:
Con este libro le estás haciendo a tu madre un regalo muy especial. Está repleto de preguntas curiosas, divertidas e inesperadas que tienen que ver contigo, con ella, con todo lo que habéis vivido.
Tu madre podrá escribir y pegar fotografías o lo que se le ocurra en sus páginas y se convertirá en un recopilatorio único que te devolverá cuando acabe de rellenarlo para que atesores sus recuerdos para siempre. /
A gift book for your mother, a lifetime of precious memories for you. Mum, Tell Me is a gift book that gives you the chance to ask your mother all those questions you'd always wondered about, and plenty you hadn't. Questions like - What did you want to be when you grew up? - Did you ever have your heart broken? - What is one of the most beautiful or special things you've achieved in life? - How did motherhood change you? Once she's answered them, she gives the book back to you. And you'll be left with a lasting chronicle of your mum's memories, dreams, wishes and stories; a personal keepsake to treasure.
This is a loving and personal gift for every mother. When given back, her precious life and memories can be preserved for all time.
Autor / Author:Elma van Vliet
Tipo / Type: Informativo / Nonfiction
Encuadernación / Binding: Tapa Dura / Hardcover, 160 páginas / pages
Dimensiones / Dimensions: 6.97 "W x 9.73 "H x 0.69 "D pulgadas / inches
Edad / Age: 18+ años / years
Temas / Themes: la familia y el parentesco, la crianza, la maternidad, autoayuda, escribir un diario, motivador e inspirador / family and relationships, parenting, motherhood, self-help, journaling, motivational and inspirational
Idioma / Language: español / Spanish
País de Publicación / Publishing Country: España / Spain 🇪🇸
Año de Publicación / Publication Year: 2024